Monday, April 30, 2012

4/30/2012 Line Striping, Kitchens and Landscaping

 West Side
 South Side

East Side

Southeast Corner

 Pipe connections for vehicle exhaust are installed in the VHC Apparatus Bay.
Those boxes to the right are the VHC Office furniture.

 Walk-off mats are installed.

 Carpet is in  on the TV Room side of the VHC Living Area.

Carpet is in the VHC Overnight Bunkroom. 

 VHC Kitchen

 IT Room

 EMS Kitchen.

 EMS Storage room with shelving.

 Some of the furniture is in the EMS Offices.

 Gear Grid and hangers in EMS Gear Room.

 All the piping is labeled.

 Carpet is in the Study.

 Chain link fence is around the Generator.

The retaining wall is built next to the Ambulance Bays

Sunday, April 22, 2012

4/22/2012 Door Signs, Flag Poles and Paving

 West Side

 South Side

East Side

 More cabinets in the VHC Kitchen

 Door signs in place

 IT room continues to grow

 VHC Fire Chief's Office

 EMS Bunk Room hallway

EMS Bunk Room

 EMS Kitchen

 Anxiously waiting

The Alley is back. Looking towards Orange Street

Flag Poles are installed

Sunday, April 15, 2012

4/15/2012 EMS Kitchen, 2nd Floor Carpet and the Fence is Down

 West Side

 South Side

East Side

 Carpet in the VHC President's Office.

 Sidewalks in on the east side.

 Carpet in the EMS Bunk Rooms.

 Cabinets in the EMS Kitchen.

 Shower in the EMS Decon Room.

 More work to do in the IT Room.

 3-Bay sink in the VHC Gear Wash Room for SCBA maintenance.

 Mop sink in the VHC Gear Wash Room.

 Organizer in the VHC Watch Room.

 Sport floor installed in the Fitness Room.

 Under Ambo Storage Room.

 Curbs and sidewalk in the east parking area.

 Sidewalks and topsoil on the east side.

Flag poles in the east parking lot.

Sorry for the picture quality his week. I'm on the disabled list and had to send Sam through with the point and shoot.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

4/8/2012 Exterior Lighting, EMS Gear Grid and VHC Ramp

 West Side

 South Side

East Side

 IT Room. Wow!

EMS Trip Sheet Room 

 EMS Junior Member Area

 EMS Bays with line striping and Kitchen cabinets to be installed.

 EMS gear grid

 EMS Pantry

 EMS Large Bunk Room.

 Water hose in VHC Apparatus Bay

 Cabinet and counter in VHC Watch Room

 Track lighting in VHC Museum

 3-bay sink in EMS Training Storage Room

Lighting in VHC Individual Bunk Room

 Cabinets in VHC Laundry

 Front ramp on VHC east side

 Preparing for parking lot paving

Preparing for EMS Bay exterior lighting

 VHC Bay exterior lighting. West side.

Preparing for paving along Orange Street.