Tuesday, July 5, 2011

7/5/2011 News Chronicle story

Fire, ambulance companies break new headquarters ground

Managing Editor
Published: Tuesday, July 5, 2011 2:23 PM EDT
Ceremonial groundbreaking for a new emergency services station Thursday tugged a 29-year-long vision closer to reality for emergency service volunteers in Shippensburg.

Emergency responders and their guests gathered in the toasty evening sunshine at the site of a demolished motel to turn over 10 dusty shovelfuls of earth and mark the start of construction on a $6 million facility that will house Vigilant Hose Co. firefighters and Shippensburg Area EMS ambulance crews in a style they are not unaccustomed to.

Charlie Myers, Tom Moriarty and Bruce Hockersmith offered remarks to illustrate the steadfast pursuit of the emergency community’s goals, the landmarks along the way since the dawn of the 20th Century and the obstacles overcome to date.

Myers recounted the history of the Vigilant Hose Co. home of 83 years at 129 E. King Street, how fire apparatus was purchased to fit the building and how the building was modified to squeeze in equipment.

An annex was added in 1970, he said, and plans for a new facility started in 1982 under the leadership of Tim Costanza, who was company chief and borough mayor. Myers said company officials scoured the center of Shippensburg, looking for the right location, but never found it. Ultimately the company bought a 7-acre tract along Route 11 just north of town, but later sold that sight and invested the money. Land in the first block of West Orange Street was later purchased as a potential station site. That didn’t happen either.

Myers said several residential properties on East King Street were purchased several years ago. He said the benefit of those properties is that the ambulance company is now located there.

“But, the borough didn’t want a fire house there, so we started looking again,” Myers said, “this time with the borough’s help.”

That partnership drew assistance from Cumberland County officials and the acquisition of the burned-out former University Lodge property that was sold to the Vigilants under the threat of a seizure through condemnation and eminent domain.

“It took us 29 years to get to where we are tonight,” Myers said.

Moriarty spoke from the ambulance perspective, reviewing growing demands on emergency services through the years that culminated in the split of what was then

CV Ambulance from CV Hose Co., because their facility could no longer accommodate both groups.

Scrambling for a place to operate, Shippensburg Area EMS was born and used the space in the 200 block of E. King Street provided by Vigilant Hose Co.

“The new accommodation was, and is, less than adequate and a disservice to the ambulance personnel,” Moriarty said. “Our ambulances are parked outside in all kinds of weather, patient records are stacked in cardboard boxes on a dirt floor.”

Service was not interrupted, however, Moriarty said, and Thursday marked a new era.

“There was one ambulance, a 1931 Studebaker, when we started, now we have five and other specialized units,” he said, pointing to one the vehicles he said came at a cost of $185,000 unequipped with medical equipment.

“This new building is a dream come true,” Moriarty said.

He expressed thanks to everyone with a hand in the new building effort.

“It would take me 40 minutes to mention them all,” Moriarty said, “so I’d like to mention one in particular.”

Moriarty said the acumen of Chief Emeritus Edward Goodhart was been invaluable in establishing a financing plan for the project.

“This is a complex deal and it took unique financial skills to arrange financing,” Moriarty said. “Still, both organizations need a lot of money.”

Mayor Hockersmith also talked about history – his family’s involvement with volunteer companies from the early days and his introduction to a 1931Seagraves pumper as a 7-year-old celebrating VE Day in 1945. He said change has been frequent and sometimes rapid.

“The one thing that has been constant over the years is the dedication and skill of our volunteers,” he said.

Completion of the 36,645-square-foot station is targeted for the spring. The facility – christened the Shippensburg Emergency Services Building – is registered with the U.S. Green Building Council and is aimed at a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Silver certification.

Among the green elements of the project are recycling of demolition materials, use of regional materials made with recycled content, use of rain gardens in the storm water runoff controls, rain collection systems to recycle rainwater, use of native plants for landscaping and low-flow plumbing.

The two-story floor plan provides ample apparatus bay space, a feature in high demand by both organizations. Fire and ambulance will occupy separate areas, but share space for training fitness and conferences.

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