Friday, September 30, 2011

9/30/2011 Building Renditions

Finally. Here is the archetects renderings of the building so you can better visualize the building process. The SA-EMS is facing Orange Street and the VHC is viewed as you approach it on Walnut Bottom Road driving towards town. I will get the floor plans up next week. I labeled these "Plans" so at any time just click on the plans label in the sidebar to bring this post up. Remember click these pictures and they get bigger.

The RED is standard brick (4" x 8"). The WHITE is split-face block (8" x 16"). There is two different shades of the white split-face, you can see this at the second floor line (but not so much in these renditions). There is also ground-face bricks (4" x 16" bricks that have been ground smooth) at ground level of the building below the window line on the Orange Street side and around the base of the hose tower and face of the building on the Walnut Bottom Road side.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

9/25/2011 It's Starting to Look Like Something

 Picture from the northwest looking east.

 From the west looking east through the VHC Apparatus Bays.

 Looking south at the Under Ambo Storage area.

 Looking southeast across VHC living area. Vertical support footers have been poured.

Looking north into VHC Storage, Gear Wash room, Engineers room and Hose Tower. There will be a mezzanine over these rooms.

 Trench drain at VHC entrance off Walnut Bottom Road.

 Northeast corner of VHC Apparatus Bay.

 Looking northeast into north end of VHC Apparatus Bay.

 Bollards are set on west side of VHC Apparatus Bays.

 Under Ambo Storage and Electrical Room.

 Looking north along west face of VHC Apparatus Bay. Bollards on either side of bay doors.

 VHC Gear Wash Room, door frame and grease separator in place.

 Looking northwest across VHC Apparatus Bay.

 Exterior of Multipurpose Room. Doorway and window set.

 Orange Street side, southeast corner, not much new out here yet.

 Orange Street side, southwest corner, not much new here either.

Northwest corner of  Under Ambo Storage, shows man door and garage door. Block footer in front is for retaining wall to block generator.

 Southeast corner, inside. Multipurpose Room on the left, Stairwell on the right and Elevator pit in the center.

Inside north face of Under Ambo Storage area, fitness room to the left.

To answer some questions, both asked and unasked, all pictures can be enlarged by simply double clicking them. Panoramas will show some distortion on the edges (don't think the walls are crooked). I know it seems that most pictures show VHC areas, and they do, all of EMS is upstairs and once work begins up there you will see pictures of those areas. And finally, yes, I am taking more pictures than you see here (usually between 60 and 100 every week). I am trying to get pictures of how things are built, how pipes are laid underground and multiple views of most rooms and the building itself. And finally (again finally) feel free to leave comments or questions in the comment section (just sign it with a name) and I will respond or get a response.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

9/18/2011 The Walls are Getting Higher

 Trench drain at VHC entrance off of Walnut Bottom Road.

 Hose Tower, Engineers Room, Gear Wash Room and Storage at end of VHC Apparatus bay.

 Hose tower.

 Looking southeast across VHC Apparatus bay.

 Looking north across Apparatus bay.

 Inside of west Apparatus Bay Wall. You can see the appartaus doors.

 Stairway from Fitness Room to Study and Fitness Room on left.

 Looking west across VHC Living Area, Fitness Room and into Under Ambo Storage.

 Mechanical Room.

 Looking east into MultiPurpose Room.

 Looking North across entire building.

 Looking north at inside wall of Under Ambo Storage.

Electrical Room and outdoor area for Generator.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

9/13/2011 Vigilant Remove the Bell from the Municipal Building

On Tuesday September 13th crews from Brechbill and Helman (our General Contractor at the new station) started the task of removing the bell from the cupola of the Municipal Building where it has served the Vigilant Hose Company since the building was built in 1928. Prior to that the bell was a fixture in the Council House since being installed there April 1st, 1884. The bell is dated by the manufacturer, Henry McShane in Baltimore in 1884. Also on the opposite side it the inscription, "Vigilant Fire Co. Organized Feby 22d, 1843. The bell will be restored over the winter to be placed on display in the new Shippensburg Emergency Services Building currently under construction.

SHIP NEWS NOW Article, click here.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11/2011 Construction Continues Through the Rainy Season

 Back entrance to VHC

 Storm water pond along Walnut Bottom Road between drives.

 Northwest corner of VHC Apparatus Bay. Starting to see the man door and bay doors now.

 West side of Apparatus Bay. Bay doors and man door into VHC living area.

 Mechanical Room in Under Ambulance Bay Storage.

 Stairway between Fitness Room and Study.

 Man door into VHC living area (to the right).

 Front wall of Under Ambulance Bay Storage.

 Orange Street side.

 East side of Mutipurpose Room.

 Inside of Multipurpose Room.

 VHC Bunkrooms and Living area