Sunday, October 23, 2011

10/23/2011 Second Floor Starting to Take Shape.

Steel set for the second floor. Viewed from the VHC Living Area looking east.

This is the east side of the Apparatus Bay. This is what you will see driving towards town on Walnut Bottom Road. It is also the reason most of the pictures are from the west side.

Northwest corner of the VHC Apparatus Bay. 

 Southeast corner of the VHC Apparatus bay.

 Multipurpose Room is straight ahead, first window is in first floor Vestibule, second window is VHC Watch Room.

 Multipurpose Room, looking towards Orange Street.

 Looking in the first floor Vestibule.

 VHC Gear Room.

 Under Ambo Storage. Walls are braced for backfill.

 Wall bracing in Fitness Room.

 West side of VHC Apparatus Bays.

 Electric Box. Located on Orange Street between the EMS ramp and the Alley.

 Orange Street side, with wrap around for backfilling.

 From Orange Street looking north, door and windows from VHC offices into VHC Apparatus Room.

 North side rooms are ready for concrete. This is the VHC Gear Wash Room.

 Northeast corner of VHC Apparatus Bay, looking at Hose Tower are from the Mezzanine.

Looking south across the VHC Apparatus Bay from the Mezzanine.

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