Sunday, January 1, 2012

1/1/2012 Work Continues Through the Holidays

West Side

 Working on ceiling in VHC Apparatus Bay. Looking south.

 Brick work done on the stairway from Fitness Room to Study.

 Split face block going up on the northwest corner of the VHC Apparatus Bay. 
Doorways being sealed up for winter work.

 The generator is set in place.

Split face block done on west side of Ambulance Bays.

Picture taking was cut short by rain this week. Additional work done this week includes floors poured in the Storage Room, Gear Wash Room and Engineers Room on the north side of the VHC Apparatus bay. Concrete was also poured to complete the stairway in the southeast corner. Some utilities and heating vents were cut up into the second floor. And drywall was installed between the double wall of the VHC Bunk Rooms and the VHC Museum/EMS Storage Room.

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